Friday, September 07, 2007

Three Of A Kind

So M asked me to make a cheese cake for the last something-or-other at the sportsman's club. Doesn't really matter what it was for all I heard was BAKE - any excuse to bake!! Yippe! Yay, hurray I get to bake - and no guilt added 'cause I have to give it away! So-o-o-o cool!!

Well, of course it had to be my famous white chocolate cheese cake - no problemo...then I heard that I was supposed to feed 33 plus MEN. Panic stations - eek - 33 MEN with manly appetites - that's like 3 cheese cakes. That means lots of oven time!

I decided to cook one one night and 2 the next - well, I learned a few valuable lessons when I tried to cook the two. First - my new oven IS NOT big enough for 2 10 inch springform pans in a water bath. Second, convection doesn't work for cheese cakes!! Even if they are jammed into an ill fitting water bath!

Once I realized placing the racks in the proper positions (racks placed in thirds and cakes staggered) for convection baking was browning my oh so delicate edges I chucked the whole idea dragged those bad boys outa the oven, tossed the water bath and just cooked them in the middle of the oven on the same rack - perfect. Nice and creamy. No further heinous browning and no cracks.

Word to the wise ladies. If you have a tried and true method for making cheese cake - DON"T IMPROVISE!!!!

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