Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Update on the Diet

Well, September has almost gone and I have taken the trip to the lab for my blood tests to see if this whole NutriSystem thingy has really done the job I was hoping for.

Before I reveal the results, let me thank Quest Diagnostics of Leominster Massachusetts for introducing me to several shades of blue which I never thought the human body could produce. Ya know, it's a wonder how they can give some dracula wanna be a sharp object and turn them lose on an unsuspecting public! This lovely photo was take 3 days after my blood draw. My arm swelled like a baseball and hurt like heck! Many darker more interesting hues were revealed over the next week or so. We are now 12 days out and it is still black although the square footage has reduced by about half. BUT IT STILL HURTS like the wickedest bruise I ever had.

Once when I was a little kid my brother and his friends came up to me and asked "wanna hurts donut?" I, being a stupid 7 year old - who only heard DONUT - made the fatal mistake of saying yes. They commenced to smack me on the arm a bunch of times laughing like lunatics and saying "Hurts Don't It!!!" The result? The wickedest bruise I ever had! Anyway, I would gladly offer a dozen said donuts to the sadist at Quest - you know who you are.

So, results - drum roll please - my cholesterol is down 38 points - LDL down 39 points, HDL up 8 points. I am in the safe range again and and my risk factor is something less than half a percent.

Thank you NutriSystem!!!

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